This API gives access to SEPA-related web services:
The following functions (which used to be provided as SOAP functions at can be used to validate IBANs (including the validity of the bank codes and domestic account numbers within IBANs) and to convert domestic account numbers into IBANS:
* validate_iban
* calculate_iban
* find_bank
* related helper functions for tasks such as building web forms to elicit user input which is needed for calling the functions above.
The following functions for managing bank accounts (transferring money etc.) are a work in progress. They are meant to unify the various APIs offered by banks and hide the complexity under one common API.
* supported_banks
* (more to come)
Name | Required |
country | ✓ |
bankcode | ✓ |
account | ✓ |
bic | ✗ |
legacy_mode | ✗ |
Only accepts GET.
Purpose: Calculates an IBAN for the given domestic account number.
return_code: a condensed numerical representation of the results of various checks. Not all checks are always carried out.
Possible values:
0 = all supported checks were done and passed.
Otherwise, the sum of one or more of the following numbers:
1 = a subaccount number was automatically appended.
2 = Account number does not contain a checksum.
4 = Checksum was not checked.
8 = Bank code was not checked.
32 = Warning: a subaccount number may need to be appended, but the necessity of this could not be automatically verified. Please verify manually.
128 = Checksum error in account number.
256 = Bankcode not found in directory.
512 = Account number has incorrect length.
1024 = Bank code has incorrect length.
4096 = Missing input data (for example, the country code).
8192 = Country not yet supported.
Interpretation: if the sum is
< 32. Result can be assumed correct;
32 ≤ sum ≤ 127. Result might be correct but should be verified;
≥ 128. There may be a more serious error.
= 65536. The return code is not set at all, which should not happen - please notify us of this error.
ibanrueck_return_code: reserved for future use.
checks: an array of the checks performed (can contain elements such as 'length', 'bank_code', 'account_number').
bic_candidates: an array of BICs that can be associated with the given domestic bank code. May be empty or may contain one or more elements. Each BIC element is itself a complex data type that has the attributes 'bic', 'wwwcount', 'sampleurl', and 'city'.
Interpretation: If wwwcount > 0. The BIC was harvested from the web (and found on as many pages as indicated by 'wwwcount', for example on the page indicated by 'sampleurl').
wwwcount = 0. The BIC comes from a national bank or the ECB.
If 'city' is given, this also indicates that the BIC comes from a national bank or the ECB.
Note: The given city does not necessarily reflect the location of the given branch - it can also be the location of the headquarters.
country: the ISO country code (first two letters of the IBAN)
Name | Required |
country | ✓ |
bankcode | ✓ |
account | ✓ |
bic | ✗ |
legacy_mode | ✗ |
A dummy function for calculating an IBAN. Will always calculate the same IBAN, no matter what account data you send. Calling this function is free.
Name | Required |
search_terms | ✗ |
country | ✗ |
bankcode_or_bic | ✗ |
max_items | ✗ |
Purpose: Full-text search of banks in supported countries. The restriction to a given country is optional - if the second parameter is the empty string (or an asteristk, *, in the URL), the function searches all supported countries. Likewise optional are the bank code and search term parameters.
find_bank("Deutsche", "DE", "100", "23", "username", "password")
finds banks in the country "DE" (Germany) whose names contain "Deutsche", and whose bank codes contain the number sequence "100", returning at most 23 entries.*/*/DEGUDEFF/20.json
find banks whose BIC contains "DEGUDEFF" and return at most 20 entries.
Input Parameters:
Search terms. If one or more whole words are given, then the search is fast and encompasses bank names and addresses. If partial words are entered, then the search takes longer and only searches bank names. This parameter can also be left empty by entering "" (or "*" in the URL). In this case, the search should be limited using some other field, for example the bank code field (see below).
A two-letter ISO country code. This field can also be left blank (or set to "*" in the URL). If a country is specified, the search will be limited to that country. Otherwise, all supported countries will be searched.
(Optional.) String of characters, or empty ("" or "*"). If a non-empty string is entered, the search will return banks whose bank codes contain the search string.
Maximal number of search results.
Output Fields:
result: Empty if no error has occured. Otherwise, an error message.
banks: A list of banks. Information about each bank is delivered with the following data structure:
name: Bank name.
bic: BIC.
bankcode: Domestic bank code.
address: Bank address, if known.
in_scl_directory:"yes" or "no".
"sct":"yes" if in_scl_directory is "yes" and a SEPA Credit Transfer is supported.
"sdd":"yes" if in_scl_directory is "yes" and a SEPA Direct Debit is supported.
"b2b":"yes" if in_scl_directory is "yes" and a B2B SEPA transaction is supported.
Name | Required |
bank | ✓ |
Step 1: .../get_swiss_banks/list.json
Returns a list of all Swiss banks, however without BC-numbers.
Step 2: .../get_swiss_banks/AEK+BANK+1826+Genossenschaft.json
Delivers a list of all BC-Numbers of AEK BANK 1826 Genossenschaft. The bank name entered must exactly match a bank name delivered in step one.
Purpose: Many account holders are not aware of their BC-Numbers. This function can be used to implement choice menu (Step 1: Choose a bank; Step 2: Select a possible BC-number).
name: Bank name.
bic: If the function was called with a non-empty bank name field, this field contains the BIC code. Otherwise, empty.
bankcode: If the function was called for a particular bank (i.e. the first parameter was non-empty), this field contains the BC-number(s). Otherwise, empty.
address: Bank address, if known.
balance: Your account balance (number of remaining transactions).
Name | Required |
recipient | ✓ |
iban | ✓ |
amount | ✓ |
memo | ✓ |
label | ✗ |
bic | ✗ |
Only accepts GET.
Purpose: Creates a QR code which, when scanned, can be used to automatically populate a SEPA transfer form.
Name | Required |
iban | ✓ |
Input: an IBAN containing one or two underscores (_) as place holders.
Output: all possible, formally correct IBANs which fit the given pattern. For example, for "DE12500_0_170648489890", this function delivers the information that only one formally correct IBAN, "DE12500105170648489890", fits the given pattern.
Name | Required |
condition | ✓ |
language | ✓ |
supported_countries("IBAN AND some_BICs AND (account_validated OR bankcode_validated)", "DE", "benutzername", "passwort") returns, in German ("DE"), a list of countries which are supported by the interface such that IBANs can be calculated, BICs (possible more than one BIC candidate) are returned for those bank codes for which a BIC is defined, and the domestic account number or the bank code are validated (or both).
Purpose: Returns countries which are currently supported by the interface, and what their names are in a given language. You may specify what conditions must be met for a country to be considered "supported".
Input Parameters:
Your definition of "supported", that is, a condition which countries must meet to be listed. You may use the following keywords, and you can combine them with parentheses, AND, and OR:
IBAN: IBANs can be calculatede for this country.
unique_BIC: returns a unique BIC for any bank code for which a BIC is defined.
some_BICs: returns one or more BIC candidates for any bank code for which a BIC is defined. If more than one BIC candidate is returned, you need to find out yourself which one to use. However, the most likely one will be listed first. Countries which fulfil not just the condition some_BICs but even the condition unique_BIC are considered to also fulfil some_BICs.
name_based_BICs: like for "some_BICs", none, one, or several BIC codes could be returned. However, unlike "some_BICs", these BIC candidates are not taken directly from a directory that maps bank codes to BICs, but they have been determined by joining two directories based on the bank names. This makes the BIC information slightly less reliable. Countries which fulfil "some_BICs" are also considered to fulfil "name_based_BICs". That is, if you require that at least "name_based_BICs" is fulfilled, you will not exclude the better-supported countries fulfilling "some_BICs" or "unique_BIC".
account_validated: for all domestic account numbers which contain a check sum, this check sum is validated.
bankcode_validated: the bank code is validated by looking it up in a directory of bank codes.
If you leave the parameter "supported_condition" empty, the default condition "IBAN AND some_BICs AND (account_validated OR bankcode_validated)" is used.
The two-letter country code for the desired language (for the list of country names); instead of the two-letter code, you may also use a number from this list:
English = 0 or EN
German = 1 or DE
Dutch = 3 or NL
Polish = 4 or PL
French = 5 or FR
Spanish = 6 or ES
Italian = 7 or IT
Turkish = 8 or TR
Croatian = 9 or HR
Serbian = 10 or RS
Name | Required |
iban | ✓ |
bic | ✗ |
Only accepts GET.
Validates the given IBAN. Not only the IBAN checksum but also the contained domestic account number and bank code are checked for most countries. For details on the supported countries, click here.
The return values (see below) include a list of BIC candidates. If you would like to validate whether a given BIC belongs to a given IBAN, please pass only an IBAN but not the BIC as a parameter and then check whether your given BIC is among the returned candidates. For a less stringent check, you may also pass your BIC code using the optional second parameter. If you do so, that BIC will only be checked for existence in the SCL Reachability Directory - its connection to the given IBAN will not be checked.
Name | Required |
iban | ✓ |
bic | ✗ |
A dummy function which will accept any IBAN and tell you that it's valid. Calling this function is free.
This error is returned whenever a collection or a resource prevents the use of the POST method.
POST calls are not accepted for this request.
This error is returned whenever someone tries to execute a PUT request on a collection or a resource that prevents PUT requests.
This method is not accepted for this API call.